Exoplanets in Our Backyard

The exploration of exoplanets is a vast and complex domain, requiring collective efforts from Solar System Science to Astrophysics to address the larger challenges it presents. Collaboration is the linchpin of addressing large problems in exoplanet research. We will examine successful collaborative efforts, both within and beyond the field, and distill the key ingredients for their success. This workshop will provide a platform for networking and connecting researchers from various backgrounds to foster interdisciplinary partnerships. Astrophysicists, solar physicists, Earth and planetary scientists interested in the intersections between exoplanetology and all other disciplines will find this workshop immensely beneficial. This workshop will foster a collaborative atmosphere (no pun intended) that encourages the sharing of cross-domain knowledge and expertise, ultimately aiding in the accurate detection and characterization of exoplanet atmospheres.

This workshop will heavily focus on discussion, collaboration, and developing cross discipline research. As such, the presenters will be invited speakers chosen to stimulate discussion amongst the workshop attendees. Abstract submissions are not required and will be assigned a poster. The topics you see below are only “guidelines” topics. Abstracts are not required to strictly correspond to these topics as long as they relate to our general overview.

Whether you are an experienced researcher or a budding enthusiast, this workshop session promises to inspire, educate, and spark new ideas. Come and be a part of the collective effort to uncover the secrets of these distant worlds and the processes that shape them.

Our 2024 edition of Exoplanets in Our Backyard follows from the success of the two previous meetings:

Exoplanets in Our Backyard I: 2020 in Houston, Texas

Exoplanets in Our Backyard II: 2022 in Albuquerque, New Mexico


Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Timothy Dowling (Chair)

Gerard Williger

Benne Holwerda

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)

Thomas Fauchez (co-lead)

Erika Kohler (co-lead)

Raphael Attié

Elsa Ducrot

Sarah Moran

Stephanie Olson

Eddie Schwieterman